Typical Characteristics*

Property Test Method Unit Typical Value**
Melt Flow Rate (1900C/5.0 kg) ASTM D1238 gm/10min 0.30
Density (230C) ASTM D1505 gm/cm3 0.946
Thermal Stability (O.I.T) 2000C ASTM D3895 Min >30
Tensile Strength at Yield ASTM D638 MPa 28
Elongationat at break ASTM D638 % >600
Flexural Modulus ASTM D790 MPa 850
Notched Izod Impact Strength ASTM D256 J/m No Break
ESCR, F ASTM D1693 Hours >1000
* Typical values, not to be taken as specification.
** Mechanical properties are on Compression molding

Cast Nylon - Engineering Plastics


Cast Nylon can be produced and machined according to your technical and mechanical requirements for Specific Product Application, and has strong Abrasion Resistant & High Temperature Resistant Properties.


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